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Time, not timing, is important

This time last year, investment analysts were predicting a positive, albeit modest growth in the global stock market for 2021.

Looking back now we can see that most experts were too conservative in their assessments. The Global Stock Market finished off the year 32% up on the previous year. 

There are a number of factors that led to that investment growth, not least the rise in energy stocks, a low interest rate environment as well as the continuing boom in technology related companies.

For our pension and long term savings clients who have their investments in well diversified funds, you have benefited from being invested in the great companies of the world.

The outlook for 2022 is for growth to continue but at a slower pace than what we have become used to.

Rising inflation has already meant that the great companies of the world have had to adjust their spending and all the signs are pointing toward the start of rising interest rates in the US. This will affect the ability for those companies to borrow and/or service their existing debt.

So while the market is expected to cool that doesn’t mean growth stops.

As investors with money in Pension funds or long term savings, the number 1 rule when markets are turbulent is to remain focused on your original objective and stick to the plan.

The following video is a great illustration of how to avoid falling into the emotional investment trap.

As always, if you have questions about your investments, savings or retirement planning, seek qualified impartial advice from a trusted adviser. You can contact us here for an initial chat.









We have been working with Coleman Financial Planning since early 2016. We both have a number of pensions from previous employments, and weren’t sure that we were maximising our return – or unnecessarily duplicating on fees. Daragh undertook a full review and came back with recommendations. We have made some changes e.g. consolidating funds where it made sense. We feel we are in safe hands with an expert who doesn’t try to blind you with science or numbers. We know that someone will now be looking at annual statements who understands them, and will work with us to secure our financial future

Niamh Gavin & David Considine 10th January 2017

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